Whale Watching Tour Sydney with Kids

Best Weather for Whale Watching is ?

Whale Watching is not only an outdoor activity, it its also an OFFSHORE activity conducted on the open ocean that is affected by WIND, SWELL and RAIN.

When discussing weather conditions for Whale Watching, it is not the Whale that are affected as they are used to Antarctic conditions, it is only the participants comfort levels that the weather affects.

The management team at Cronulla Whale Watching are very experienced and we do our best ensure that our guests have a comfortable experience.

In saying this it must be understood that we will be travelling onto the open ocean where conditions can quickly change and sometimes weather predictions are inaccurate.


To give you a idea on what we look for, we have put together the following WIND guide to help you understand.

We also factor in SWELL and RAIN although WIND is by far our biggest concern.


Strong southerly winds are not good for Whale Watching... anything about 12-15knts will make conditions uncomfortable.

  • Southerly Winds (5-10knots) GOOD
  • Southerly Winds (10-15knots) LITTLE CHOPPY
  • Southerly Winds (15-20knots) NEED TO EVALUATE
  • Southerly Winds (25-30knots) CANCEL


Westerly winds are awesome for Whale Watching... offshore winds flatten the seas and you can see whales for miles !!

  • Westerly Winds (5-10knots) AWESOME
  • Westerly Winds (10-15knots) AWESOME
  • Westerly Winds (15-20knots) AWESOME - But Windy
  • Westerly Winds (25-30knots) NEED TO EVALUATE


Northerly winds under 20knots are really good for Whale Watching... once it gets to 25knts the seas are still ok, its just WINDY !!

  • Northerly Winds (5-10knots) AWESOME
  • Northerly Winds (10-15knots) AWESOME
  • Northerly Winds (15-20knots) AWESOME - But Windy
  • Northerly Winds (25-30knots) NEED TO EVALUATE

Offshore Weather Forecasts

Our Weather Forecast page will be able to help you with weather conditions that are predicted over the next (7) days....

[LIVE] Weather Forecasts -> https://www.cronullawhalewatching.com.au/weather-forecast/


Whale Watching Tour – Close Encounter off Cronulla NSW